We’re One Week Old!
Things got rolling just a week ago, and it’s been a fun time! Thank you for all the positive responses on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus – we’re watching our memberships there grow in addition to a healthy number of visitors to our website. It’s all very exciting and encouraging!
Site Update: Starting Tips Section and Social Media

Thank you VeganBaker for this!
Welcome to our first real blog entry for the VeganStart project! We’ve been online for a few days now, and the reception from the community through our social media channels has been really positive. It’s encouraging to see other people validating our concept.
For example, I’ve been following VeganBaker on Instagram for a while, and not only has he graciously allowed us to feature his stellar ‘vegan’ loaf, he’s going to whip up another for us!
Welcome to the VeganStart blog!
Thanks for stopping by! Scroll down for all our posts and updates.
If you’re looking for our recipe for fauxtella, click here!