VeganStart Newsletter: Early March

Newsletter | March 5, 2015 | By

Hello everyone!

Spring has asserted itself in Vancouver, BC, where I’m located, and on this warm, sunny day I’m preparing another VeganStart Newsletter for you all! This update focuses on recent news and changes with VeganStart (we’ve got another new contest), news stories, informative links and other items that might be of interest to our subscribers.

We’re now 3 months old – thank you everyone for joining us! We’ve been having a blast interacting with people on our social media, and it’s exciting to see we’re already making a difference, hearing back from people who are making the switch, or who have already begun their vegan journey and need a little help. Also, hearing from experienced vegans who appreciate our approach and will be recommending us as a resource – that’s what we’re here for!

VeganStart News

First up – a big congrats to Bev from Petoskey, Michigan whose name we drew in our first give-away on Freaky Friday (Friday, February 13th).

vs-contest-veganproteinsWe’ve also launched a second contest, teaming up with for a give-away on Instagram. Click here for all the details, and good luck!

We’re excited to be making our first public appearance as well at the Seattle Vegfest on March 21st & 22nd. If you’re going, be sure to stop by and say hi! We’ll be sharing a table with the Fur-Bearer Defenders.

There’s a really great program in the UK called TeenVGN which is a Social Network and Support Group for compassionate young people (age 12-19) and puts on a vegan summer camp for teens (which sold out in 34 hours!) They included a nice little write-up of us on their blog as well.

We’ve also added a new article focusing on flax seeds, centered on the health benefits and how to quickly and easily prepare your own flax meal – make sure you’re getting your omega 3’s! (And a special thanks to Ginny Messina for some help with editing and suggestions.)


And, just because, here’s another photo of rescue hamster Fiona, our Director of Munching. =)

Have you met Fiona? She's the #VeganStart Director of Munching, and ain't she just peachy. =)

A photo posted by (@veganstartorg) on


News We Choose (For Yous!)
(How’s that for a catching heading. ;)

Here are some recent news highlights that might be of interest to readers:

We also posted this commentary on Facebook about a ‘MilkTruth’ video advertisement the dairy industry released:

Thanks to Vegan Food Chat for sending this video advertisement my way – it’s a new promotion from the ‪#‎MilkTruth‬ weirdos and their attack on almond milk:

It’s especially bizarre because lecithin (which they’re making fun of) is actually a healthful supplement for us. And to be fair, we need to take a look at what they’re feeding dairy cows — I’m sure we’ll find some hard-to-read ingredients, oh, like lecithin, which comes recommended for cows:

The dairy industry is using tags like ‪#‎GetReal‬ and ‪#‎DairyTruth‬. But the truth is you can’t believe a word they say.

What We’ve Come Across

Here is a selection of other informative links and highlights from around the web!

This was one of the nicest tweets we’ve received recently, thanks Library Vegans!

We’ve also come across a few videos you might get a kick out of.

The first is an ad for Silk – we’re not sure if it’s legit or not, but it’s definitely hilarious:

This second video is a cute and honest video of people sampling non-dairy milks:

And finally, a BBC video from 1976 (the year I was born!) with supporters of The Vegan Society – it seems strange people keep asking the exact same questions 40 years later..

Coming Up

vs-promo-stickerdonation-fbdAs we mentioned, we’re looking forward to heading over to the Seattle Vegfest, plus we’ll be launching our first leaflet to encourage people to take their first steps at eating vegan. We’ll be sharing this in the next week or so.

Also, we put the fun in fundraiser – we’ve got some nifty new VeganStart stickers, and the Fur-Bearer Defenders have donated some of their wonderful stickers as well, and if you donate $10 or more, we’ll send you a bunch! Details here.


Can you believe we’ve been here for 3 months now? All the warm welcomes and new friendships have been really great, and we’re looking forward to offering even more high quality vegan info.

Until next time, have a great breakfast!

– Dave

#Bizarro sums it up nicely in today's Saturday morning cartoon. :)

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