Recipe: Smokey Maple Beet Bacon

Recipe | March 12, 2015 | By

Smokey Maple Beet Bacon



VeganStart Newsletter: Early March

Newsletter | March 5, 2015 | By

Hello everyone!

Spring has asserted itself in Vancouver, BC, where I’m located, and on this warm, sunny day I’m preparing another VeganStart Newsletter for you all! This update focuses on recent news and changes with VeganStart (we’ve got another new contest), news stories, informative links and other items that might be of interest to our subscribers.

We’re now 3 months old – thank you everyone for joining us! We’ve been having a blast interacting with people on our social media, and it’s exciting to see we’re already making a difference, hearing back from people who are making the switch, or who have already begun their vegan journey and need a little help. Also, hearing from experienced vegans who appreciate our approach and will be recommending us as a resource – that’s what we’re here for!


Instagram Spring Raffle

Uncategorized | February 26, 2015 | By

We’ve got a draw for some great prizes on the first day of spring – have you entered?



Fabulous Flax – Grind Your Own!

Uncategorized | February 20, 2015 | By

vs-graphic-flaxFantastic Flax

Flax seeds (aka linseed) are an inexpensive nutritional champ you may want to consider eating on a regular basis. (Pun intended!) We’re here to help make it easy to add it to many meals.


We’re Two Months Old!

Uncategorized | February 6, 2015 | By

Time is flying by, and I can hardly believe we’re already two months old! Thanks to all our supporters for following, retweeting and sharing our info, and joining our newsletter. Speaking of which, we’re holding our first contest!

This blog entry features more updates on the VeganStart project, news stories and other interesting links we’ve come across, and much more.


Mid-January Updates

Uncategorized | January 23, 2015 | By

Hello friends!

We’ve had a bustling start to 2015, and we’ll sum up some of the highlights here! Continue reading for the latest updates at VeganStart (including our first recipe posting, a revealing blog post on almonds and water consumption, plus our new logo), news items, other nifty online finds (and concerns), a little vegan humour and more. If you’re on social media, be sure to join us to get these updates in a more timely fashion! Check out the top of the menu on the right for all our accounts.


Almonds and Water Use – What’s The Scoop?

Uncategorized | January 12, 2015 | By

vs-graphic-almonds-water-1000There’s an article in Mother Jones today about almonds and water consumption in California. It states some alarming facts, like how a single almond requires a gallon of water. That seems like a lot! But is it?


Our First Month Went By So Fast!

Uncategorized | January 5, 2015 | By

Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since I registered the domain name, signed up our social media accounts and began tinkering with WordPress. Thanks so much to everyone who’s visited the site so far and participated with us on social media. It’s been inspiring to receive all the positive feedback, and we look forward to offering much more.


Recipe: Quick Fauxtella Spread (aka Vegan Nutella)

Recipe | January 2, 2015 | By

vs-graphic-fauxtellafridaypromo01Who didn’t love Nutella from their pre-vegan days? It doesn’t have to end when you go vegan! Of course, you can buy prepared versions, but why not make your own?

At the VeganStart HQ, we celebrate Fauxtella Friday, and have a quick, easy and relatively healthy recipe, so you can make your own ‘notella’. It isn’t as complicated as other recipes you can find, and won’t have quite the same flavour as the original Nutella (nor the fat!), but if you’re looking for a quick chocolate hazelnut spread, this should hit the spot.


‘Tis the Season – Nog Your Breakfast!

Uncategorized | December 15, 2014 | By

Happy holidays! =)
