Our First Month Went By So Fast!

Uncategorized | January 5, 2015 | By

Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since I registered the domain name, signed up our social media accounts and began tinkering with WordPress. Thanks so much to everyone who’s visited the site so far and participated with us on social media. It’s been inspiring to receive all the positive feedback, and we look forward to offering much more.

VeganStart was formed to introduce people to veganism, focusing on daily foods that are easy to veganize. Cereal, oats or porridge and toast are common breakfast choices, and usually just a few minor changes makes them vegan, so the step is less intimidating but is still practiced on a daily basis. We help with this transition, offering tips and advice, and also give activists a new way to encourage this positive switch in others.

Site Updates

Bees for PeaceThank you, J Muir!

Bees for Peace
Thank you, J Muir!

There are always little bits being added to the site, but here are three recent updates that are worth checking out that could be easily overlooked:

  • We’ve updated our section on honeybees, with lots of neat facts and information about these amazing pollinators.
  • Ever heard of Pudla? You’ll want to try out this chickpea flour-based base to make omelettes and scrambles, found in our section on eggs.
  • We don’t have a recipe section yet, but that didn’t stop us from sharing our Fauxtella recipe, so you too can make your own ‘instant nutella’ spread!

Spotted In the News

Here are a few news story highlights that might be of interest:

New Finds

Image Courtesy: StuffonToast

Image Courtesy:

Interesting and helpful items we’ve come across:

For Your Amusement

vs-farside-chickencarryingbaby-squareComing Up

The site will look a bit different in the coming weeks as we update our logo and website thanks to a great designer, and we will also be adding a full-featured recipe section (to which we welcome  submissions from visitors). Can’t wait to see what others enjoy for their VeganStart!

A post will be appearing soon, as our VeganStart scientists refine and perfect the recipe for beet bacon. Yes, you read that correctly: bacon made from beets!



Big thank you’s go out to Lee H and Joanna Z for help with our section on honeybees, to J Muir for the use of the amazing honeybee artwork, and to Heather S for contributions, suggestions and being the best editor in the world.

Stay in touch with us on our social media pages and sign up to our email list to get our periodic updates (both found in the right menu).

Thanks for stopping by and have a great breakfast!

– Dave


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