Vegan Stickers
Maybe you’re after some stickers, maybe you just want to help out VeganStart – either way, you’re on the right page!
Our stickers are 2″ x 2″ (5.1cm x 5.1cm) and perfect for your laptop, water bottle, or anywhere else you want to encourage people to think about what they’re eating!
Simply fill out our form below, and let us know how many of each sticker you’d like – they’re $0.50 each, and this helps us pay for our printing and distributing VeganStart literature.
We also have a special promotion happening:
Special Promotion
We’ve got a fun promotion happening right now, featuring our new stickers. And we’ve also got a little help from our friends at the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, who work tirelessly to defend wildlife and end the cruel fur trade. They are presently running the new international #MakeFurHistory campaign in partnership with LUSH, and they’ve generously donated some of their stickers to sweeten the pot and aid with our fundraiser to help pay for printing our literature and send it to activists across Canada & the US.
Here is what we’re offering!
- Donate $10 or more, and we’ll send you three of each of our brand new VeganStart stickers, plus a “No Fur” & “Fur is not fabric” sticker as well as four #MakeFurHistory stickers.
- Donate $15 or more, and you’ll get the above, PLUS an “I love beavers” button.
- Donate $20 or more, and in addition to all the above, we’ll also include the large “I’m wild about wildlife” bumper sticker.
Wait, there’s more: several random animal activism stickers will be included as a bonus.
Thank you so much for this commitment to helping with the VeganStart program – we rely on your help to expand our reach and produce content and literature to help people transition to a cruelty-free lifestyle that encourages respect for our fellow earthlings.
To donate, begin by completing the form below. We’re experimenting with a new option from Square (who you may already be familiar with through their card swiping system.)
Please note: Soon after we receive your request, we’ll send you an ‘Invoice’ by email via Square, who will then securely collect and process your credit card info. While slightly inconvenient, we’re interested in trying it out as it maximizes how much ends up with us, rather than with credit card processors. A $10 donation means $9.72 for VeganStart, which is a significant margin. Once your donation is processed, we’ll pack up and send off your stickers within a day or two. =)
Thank you again for helping out VeganStart, and a big thank you to the Fur-Bearer Defenders for helping us make this package more fun for you!